Master classes. Making DIY crafts with step by step photos

There is no doubt that the best master class is the one, each stage, or step of which is recorded in the corresponding photographs. Only such master classes are collected to help you on the pages of this thematic section.

Here is an amazing variety of crafts on any topic and “all occasions”, the creation process of which is captured in detail and clearly step by step. It is very convenient to use the publications of this section. Leafing through its pages, by the main photo of the craft "on the cover", as a rule, it is already possible to determine whether this material is of interest to you at the moment.

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Good day, colleagues! Ahead is a wonderful and beloved holiday by all men - Defender of the Fatherland Day. Everyone prepares different gifts, postcards, souvenirs. Very popular as a congratulations wall newspaper. We also decided to make a wall newspaper-congratulations for everyone ...

Master classes. Making crafts with your own hands with step-by-step photographs - A master class on making gifts for mothers for the holiday "March 8" in the second group of young children

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MAAM Pictures Library

Master class "Baking pizza" Conducted by the educator: Shikhahmedova Bayramkiz V. Purpose: To instill in children the skills to work with dough and love for work. Tasks: To form in children an idea of ​​​​the technology for preparing one of the most popular dishes around the world; Continue to instill love for...

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Purpose: To instill in children the desire to make a gift with their own hands, to develop imagination, fine motor skills. Equipment Colored paper, felt paper, white cardboard, glue, scissors, stapler, heart patterns and congratulations, pencil. Hod: By the holiday of Defender of the Fatherland Day, we decided ...

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The Museum of Russian Impressionism presents a program of art workshops for children. We will get acquainted with the works of outstanding artists, be inspired by their work, and create our own paintings. Master classes will be held in the studio of the Museum of Russian Impressionism and in the space of the temporary exhibition “Nikolai Meshcherin. Way out of the hustle and bustle." An artist-teacher will tell you what a still life, a portrait is, explain the difference between graphics and painting, teach you how to make collages, sketches.

All materials are included in the course fee.
The duration of one lesson is 1 hour.
Groups are for 10 people. Parents accompanying children enter the museum free of charge. A discount is available with the "Friend of the Museum" card.

February 17. We draw a landscape based on the painting "Starry Night" by Vincent van Gogh.
Consider one of the paintings by the post-impressionist artist Vincent van Gogh. Let's analyze the color scheme of the work, the nature of the strokes. Draw your landscape using the knowledge gained.
Materials: gouache.

24 February. We make a collage from colored paper in the style of Henri Matisse.
Consider the collages of a famous artist, discuss color combinations, silhouettes. We will cut out the necessary shapes and compose our composition.
Materials: colored paper, scissors, glue, gouache, watercolor

March, 3rd. We draw a flower still life as a gift. Plein air on display!
The master class will be held in the space of a temporary exhibition, we will work on easels. Consider slides with flower still lifes by famous artists. Let's create our composition on paper. We will draw in mixed media: watercolor plus dry pastel.
Materials: watercolor, dry pastel.

10th of March. We draw an owl against the background of the starry sky.
Consider slides with owls and their picturesque plumage. Choose the one you like and depict it on tinted paper. Let's add shining stars around, because the owl does not sleep at night, but hunts.
Materials: tinted paper, gouache, dry pastel.

March 17. And fluff and feathers! Let's make a collage.
As soon as the spring sun begins to warm and the day becomes longer, the birds rush to return to their native places. Let's look at slides with migratory birds, discuss their plumage and habits, dream up together and create a collage based on our conversation. Let's surround our birds with trees and sun glare.
Materials: watercolor, oil pastel, gouache, scissors, glue.

March 24. Spring sunny day. Plein air on display!
The master class will be held in the space of a temporary exhibition, we will work on easels. Consider the spring landscapes of famous artists. We will discuss the color scheme and come up with our own sunny landscape.
Materials: gouache.

Your child has a birthday soon and you do not know how to make this holiday bright and unforgettable, then you should seek the help of a pro. Animators for a children's party - this will be the best gift for your child and all guests who certainly will not be bored. Based on the age of the baby, one or another theme of the holiday is selected. In addition, today it is still very popular to order various master classes for a children's holiday, as an addition to the main program. This option will be very appropriate when there will be many children of different ages for their birthday and all of them will need to be captivated and cheered up with something. In addition, adults often participate in such master classes.

We have put together a list of the most popular workshops for kids that you can think of and organize yourself. And so it is:

: creating an individual thing with your own hands.

  • Age - from 7 years and older.
  • Materials at hand: any T-shirt, preferably white, stencils, scissors, substrates, paints and a tablecloth.

: very funny and tasty activity. After all, every child loves sweets, and especially if they are still so bright.

  • Age: from 3 to 10 years old.
  • Materials at hand: ready-made gingerbread of any shape (honey or gingerbread is best), icing, colored sprinkles.

3. Making gel candles: a truly magical, exciting experience.

  • Age: 10 years and older.
  • Materials at hand: a glass, multi-colored stones, sand, shells, special gel, sequins and beads.

4. Magnets

  • Age: from 6 years old.
  • Materials at hand: adhesive tape, plaster figurines of various shapes and sizes, paints.

5. Draw with sand

  • Age: 3-6 years old.
  • Materials at hand: special sand for creativity, a stencil, a sheet of cardboard, glue, a picture frame and a special varnish for better fixing sand on cardboard.

: children learn how to cook healthy sweets with their own hands, which are also very tasty.

  • Age: 6-12 years old.
  • Materials at hand: dried fruits, nuts, seeds, honey, tracing paper, curly molds.

: a beautiful and exciting master class that allows the child to show imagination and make an original souvenir for parents.

  • Age: 10-14 years old.
  • Materials at hand: thick white candles, a large spoon, scissors, special decoupage napkins.

: drawing on water with paints. Such a hobby will be interesting for both adults and children.

  • Age: from 5 years.
  • Materials at hand: water, paints, wooden sticks, a sheet of thick paper.

  • Age: from 6 years old.
  • Materials at hand: photo frame (notebook), glue, scissors, paints, various decorative elements at your discretion.

10. Balloon figurines: with the help of sausage balls, figurines of the most unusual shapes are created. The activity is very fun and funny.

  • Age: from 8 years old.
  • Materials at hand: thin sausage balls.

The list of the most popular master classes for children can be replenished with other activities such as: wood sawing, drywall construction, candy bouquets, a rainbow in a bottle, a perfume session, chemical research, macrame, art collage, dancing.

The master class should be selected based on the hobby (interests) of the child.

Mothers of small children do not need to be told how sometimes you want to find a minute for coffee or washing dishes. And sometimes you need to calm the baby when he cries because of cutting teeth or other misfortune. Home games will help a lot with this. It is impossible to buy new designers and mosaics every day, it is better to build something in a hurry yourself.

Today we have prepared for you 5 master classes from the book"Creativity with kids" . All of them are designed for kids up to 3 years.

An unusual way to use crayons. Prepare crayons, glue, a sheet of cardboard. With a knife, cut the chalk of different colors onto a tray. Glue the image onto the cardboard (PVA with a thin nose is suitable). Now ask your child to gently dip the sheet with the pattern down into the multi-colored shavings. It will turn out very nice. To save such a picture, sprinkle it with hairspray.

Chalk bas-reliefs. - Illustration from the book.

ball guide

The first sculptures

Works made from air-hardening mass are durable and functional: they can be painted, used for games, and given to friends and relatives.

For classes, you will need either a ready-made self-hardening mass purchased at the store, or a couple of glasses of flour, water and a little salt to prepare it yourself.

The proportions are as follows: for 300 g of flour - 300 g of salt and 200 ml of water (from this amount of ingredients you will get quite a lot of dough, so it is better to take them half or three times less, clearly observing the proportion). Flour should be taken from wheat, the highest grade. Pancake is categorically not recommended, because when dried, products from it will rise and crack.

simple sculptures. - Illustrations from the book.

Salt should be chosen the finest grinding, preferably not iodized. Water should be cold, and even better - ice. To the main components, you can add 1 tbsp. l. potato starch (to increase plasticity) and / or 2 tsp. wallpaper glue (to increase strength). You can knead the dough in two different ways: either mix flour and salt, and then gradually add water; or dissolve salt in water, and then add flour.

It is easy to make and colored dough. To do this, separate a piece from the mass, fashion a cup out of it, add paint to its middle, blind the edges and carefully knead the dough. Keep in mind that this will get your hands very dirty, so it’s better to paint over the sink. The advantage of such a home-made mass for modeling is that a child can taste it, and this will not harm him at all.

According to the book"Creativity with kids" .

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Post cover - illustration from the book.

Plasticine teaches to speak, and paints develop intelligence. Any kind of creativity forms a personality out of a child, and most importantly, it strengthens the nervous system and relieves stress. If your child rushes around the apartment with a Brownian movement and does not want to calm down, invite him to make something together. What exactly, read on. We offer you 6 interesting workshops for children from 4 to 12 years old.

"Winter is coming": we make eco-candles

Try an eco-friendly and fun workshop for kids to learn how to make candles. Aimed at ages 8-10. Traditional candle making is not suitable for a child. During the cooking process, you will have to come into contact with molten paraffin. And since children are usually eager to do everything themselves, such an experiment can end in injury.

We offer a lesson on making candles from beeswax. It does not need to be pre-melted, it is enough to heat it with a hair dryer. An indisputable plus is naturalness. Unlike paraffin, it is not a petroleum product. Even if the child decides to check what the wax tastes like, there will be no harm to health.

For work you will need:

  • a sheet of beeswax;
  • wick.
  1. Lay the wax on a wooden table or plank and cut off one side to make a trapezoid shape.
  2. Take the wick and slightly push it in from the wide end.
  3. Heat the wax a little with a hair dryer.
  4. Wrap the edge of the leaf tightly around the wick and twist it into a cone.
  5. Trim the wick at the base.

When the candle is ready, cut strips 1-2 cm wide from sheets of a different color. Invite your child to decorate the candle with them, as well as decorate it with glitter and stickers.

What the master class teaches:

  • ability to listen and follow instructions;
  • develops fine motor skills;
  • reveals visual-spatial abilities;
  • activates creative thinking.

As a reward for his work, the child receives a candle of his own making, which serves as an additional motivator in further work with the material at hand.

treasure box

Children love to collect rings, figurines, even perfume bubbles. To lose something from this belongings is tantamount to a tragedy for them. Therefore, we offer you this simple, interesting master class for children. With their own hands, they will learn how to make decoupage boxes. The lesson is suitable for the youngest aged 3-6 years.

You will need:

  • PVA glue or home-made paste;
  • paper box;
  • wide brush;
  • napkins;
  • paints.

How to do:

  1. Prepare acrylic or gouache, give the child a brush, and let him paint the box as he wishes.
  2. When the paint is dry, start sticking the napkins. Pre-cut them into geometric shapes. So it will be easier for the baby to take them, and you will have the opportunity to playfully learn geometry.
  3. After the napkins dry, coat the top and sides of the box with glue and sprinkle with multi-colored sparkles.

The child learns about the shapes and position of objects in relation to space. The lesson contributes to the development of a sense of color and size. He will introduce you to various materials, their structure and density, and teach you how to interact with them.

"Salty" and interesting master class for children

Salt dough confidently displaces plasticine from pedagogical spaces. Even in kindergartens, it has become ideologically wrong to use it due to the presence of vinyl chloride, rubber and polyethylene. The dough, on the contrary, consists of natural ingredients.

It is easily washed off the hands, leaves no residue, is hypoallergenic. The fidget will definitely taste a piece, but it will not cause any poisoning, as well as gastronomic delights. The dough is tasteless and salty, so the second attempt to eat it is unlikely to be.

  1. Before creating a masterpiece, knead a cool, dense dough. To do this, mix flour with salt in a ratio of 2: 1 and add a little water.
  2. Roll out a 1.0-1.5 cm layer and make several circles with a cookie cutter or a cup.
  3. Roll the dough into an oval 2-3 cm long - this will be the core for the rose.
  4. Put each circle in turn like a petal on the core until the bud is the right size.
  5. When the dough is dry, let the child color it and cover it with glitter.

The master class is interesting for children of 12 years old. Teach your child such crafts, and he will be happy to do it himself. Kids 3-5 years old will like to make balls, sausages, animal prints from soft and elastic dough. To make the child more fun, add food coloring and glitter to the flour.

Bouquet of buttons

In continuation of the flower theme, we offer an interesting master class for children from 10 years old. Prepare bright and unusual buttons, colored cardboard or felt, wire, scissors and pliers. The width of the wire should be narrower than the holes in the buttons.

How to do:

  1. Draw a flower with your child on cardboard or give him a stencil to circle and cut out.
  2. Pierce the resulting flower with wire and lower it to the middle, where the top of the flower is supposed to be.
  3. Do the same for one button hole.
  4. Bend the wire and poke the button through the second hole.
  5. Pass the wire back through the flower and twist the ends to form the stem.
  6. Make several of these flowers to make a bouquet. The wire can be wrapped with wrapping paper or strung with beads.

funny pebbles

The most interesting master classes for children are those in which there is an element of the game. The next lesson introduces the alphabet through creativity. To do this, collect 32 stones with your child, as the number of letters in the alphabet. Prepare oil or water based acrylic paints and a primer.

Let your child draw each letter on a separate stone and decorate it however they want. When the paint dries, invite the child to collect their name from them, the name of their favorite food. Put the word together and let him read it. If the child is not yet familiar with letters, draw simple animals or ladybugs on the stones.

Introduction to Monotype

A relatively new way of expressing creativity, without pencils and brushes. There are no standards and the concept of “failed” in monotype. Children are given the opportunity to express themselves. This type of drawing relieves nervous tension, so it is often used in art therapy.

What do you need:

  • brush or sponge;
  • base: glass, mirror or A4 cardboard;
  • any paints, but acrylic or gouache is better;
  • paper.

The child in any form with a brush applies paints of any color to the base. Place a piece of paper on top and smooth it out. Gently tears off and the drawing is ready.

Interesting workshops are a real joy for children. They take part with pleasure, understand the value of their own and other people's work. Through joint creativity, you will learn to better feel and understand your child, establish a close emotional connection. Such activities are an important component of mental, social and intellectual development.



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