Tsar transducer and bronze horseman table. The truth of Eugene and the truth of Peter according to Pushkin's poem The Bronze Horseman

The essay "The Bronze Horseman" is often given in a Russian language or literature lesson in different classes of the school. In this article you will find several discussions and analyzes on various topics.

The final essay on the Russian language requires the student to be well prepared and have knowledge in this subject. After all, certification at the end depends on the assessment of this task. 11th grade in Russian language and literature. Therefore, it is important to look through all the examples of essays in advance and scroll through the rough outline of the most popular topics in your head. Below you will find essays on the topic "Bronze Horseman". Read on.

An essay on a theme based on Pushkin's poem "The Depth of Thought" The Bronze Horseman ": the main characters

"Bronze Horseman"

We can say that the basis of this poem is made up of two images and two storylines. The first belongs to a young man named Evgeniy, and the second - monument Peter I, which, in fact, is the "Bronze Horseman". Here is an essay on the theme of the poem Pushkin, Depth of Thought. Bronze Horseman", with a description of the main characters:

The image of the king in the poem is dual. On the one hand, this is a great ruler that "cut a window to Europe", raised Russia from its knees and brought it to the world level. But on the other hand, Pushkin managed to show all the cruelty with which Peter rules, and all the pain that the people experienced during this time. Here are the lines that indicate this:

“From now on we will threaten the Swede,

Here the city will be founded ...

Nature here is destined for us

Cut a window to Europe

Stand with a firm foot by the sea.

Here on their new waves

All flags will visit us.”

But Evgeniy appears in the mind of the reader as hardworking, but who has seen many sorrows in his lifetime, young men. He lost his beloved in an accident and now seems to be losing his mind. The Bronze Horseman seems to him monumental, frightening. The hero then openly curses him, then tries to hide from him wherever his eyes look. By the way, the poet perfectly shows all the tragedy and all the pain that the hero and other people experienced as a result of the flood.

Fragments of huts, logs, roofs,
thrifty commodity,
Relics of pale poverty,
Storm-blown bridges
A coffin from a blurry cemetery
Float through the streets!

What happened very crippled the young man. We can say that he can no longer be the same. Deprived of reason, as if unconscious, Evgeniy wanders around the pier, eats what he has to. It is in the monument to the king that he sees the cause of his troubles, his grief and loneliness.

However, even fearing an "inanimate enemy", Evgeniy puts himself on the same level as him. True, the madness ends very sadly - the young man dies. It's hard to say who's right Peter with his reform or exhausted people. Pushkin seems to give the reader the opportunity to think over all the circumstances and decide which side to take - "The Bronze Horseman" or Evgenia.

"The Bronze Horseman": composition plan

"Bronze Horseman"

An essay plan is needed to make it easier to write it. Points will help to understand and “sort out” thoughts on the shelves. Here is the essay plan "Bronze Horseman":

1. Introduction, which should be divided into component parts (points):

  • 1.1. glorification of the city.
  • 1.2. Peter builds a city.
  • 1.3. The beginning of the life of the young city.
  • 1.4. "I love you, Peter's creation" (admiration for the city).
  • 1. 5. Wishing the city steadfastness.

2. The first part. The main leitmotif here is the flood, its consequences for the people and for Yevgeny:

  • 2.1. Evgeniy. Lifestyle, thoughts, dreams.
  • 2.2. Fresh.
  • 2.3. Tragedy and its aftermath.

3. The second part. Eugene and Peter. Confrontation":

  • 3.1. Calm after the flood.
  • 3.2. Woe and wanderings of Evgeny around the city.
  • 3.3. Conflict and persecution.
  • 3.4. Death of Eugene.

When writing an essay, some of the points can be omitted. If the work is detailed, in the form of a final essay, then all these points should be described.

Composition "The image of Peter I in the poem" The Bronze Horseman ": characteristics, description

"Bronze Horseman"

Pushkin is cunning enough in his thoughts about the tsar. On the one hand, he does not deny the fact that Peter He was a brave man, a powerful ruler who did a lot for his people. But on the other hand, he condemns the methods by which this was done and the so-called "background of feats", which served as the people's grief. Here is an essay with a characterization and description of the image Peter I in a poem "Bronze Horseman":

The poet does not hide the fact that the ruler was an arrogant tyrant, whom everyone was afraid of and whom they blindly obeyed. No one dared even think about condemning his decisions, which were far from always correct.

Petersburg also remains a haven for the nobility and intelligentsia. As well as those who have tried and are trying to create the appearance of belonging to an aristocratic or creative principle. In principle, time has changed little. Ordinary people were powerless to change anything, they suffered from Peter's reforms.

In the second part of creation, the king appears only as a monument. This is a majestic idol on a high rock. His mighty steed is made of bronze. By the way, Pushkin ahead of time in his fabrications, because in his era there were no monuments to the king. Moreover, the poet quite strongly idealizes the image Petra, considering him almost a demigod. However, in our time, some refer to representatives of the authorities in this way.

But at the end of creation Peter came to life again and rushed for Evgeny. There are quite a lot of descriptions pointing to the insignificance of a simple young man in comparison with the ruler. At least he looks small and pathetic.

Respects Pushkin Petra or criticize? Essentially, it's both. The tsar remains a symbol of the Russian state, in which the interests of the authorities are always higher than the needs of the common people.

Essays-reasonings on literature based on the work "The Bronze Horseman" - grade 7, 8, 10: options, briefly

"Bronze Horseman"

Pupils write essays on the Russian language and literature based on Pushkin's poems starting from the 7th grade. Each class has its own requirements for content and differs in the reasoning and knowledge of students. Here are essays-reasonings on the work "Bronze Horseman" options, briefly:

7th grade:

The poem belongs to an outstanding Russian poet A.S. Pushkin. Of course, his talent is beyond doubt, but I was somewhat upset when I found out that there were only two main characters. Moreover, one of them is a monument.

But these were unfounded fears. The product is very interesting. First, it has historical value. Shows how the king created Petersburg. Good enough Alexander Sergeevich described the life of the new city, as well as a terrible tragedy in the form of a flood.

However, this is not so much an element as the anger of the world at the actions of the king. This is condemnation. If a Peter associated with the state, with its wrong policy, then Evgeniy- the image of the common people suffering from injustice

In fact, the hero is very sorry - because he is still young, and has already lost loved ones and cannot live without them. But "alive" Peter not only the tricks of his sick mind. The poet portrays the situation in a figurative sense. This is a conflict of authorities who will never understand the interests of the common people.

8th grade:

Pushkin wrote "The Bronze Horseman" in the 1st half of the 19th century. This is one of my favorite pieces of his. Image Petra ambiguous - he is both respected and condemned. But it cannot be said that the poet does not consider him an intelligent person. Yes, and the hopes of the king were understandable. He wanted to get a powerful state, which everyone will be afraid of.

And it is impossible to say that he did not succeed. After all Russia- great country. However, the main mistake of the ruler was that he did not take into account the common people who suffered from his actions.

Peter monumental - both in the form of a man and in the form of a monument. Brilliant descriptions Petersburg and floods, as well as the inner picture of the world mad with grief Evgenia.

The latter's dreams are shattered. He dreamed of a family, children, personal happiness. But now it's gone. There is only one hero in the whole world. That is why he blames the monument for all his troubles. The enraged king starts chasing him.

Grade 10:

Creation begins with an introduction. It is noteworthy that Pushkin speaks of the monument as a spiritualized, living being - as if, Peter so great that even being the work of a sculptor, he is able to think, analyze, get angry and make decisions.

The structure is also interesting - after all, the poet has several segments. At first, “the city was laid down,” after which it “magnificently ascended,” and in the third component, chanting already begins Petersburg. The poet confesses his love to him, describes all his splendor. Also, the work has great historical value. After all, it covers quite realistic historical events. Namely, how the king founded the city, how he chopped in Europe window, etc.

The descriptions are realistic enough. The writer operates with participles and adjectives: “wretched Chukhonets”, “unknown forest”, “swampy shores”. It is clear that this is done to enhance the impression and completeness of the disclosure of the topic. Petersburg as if divided into two social strata - and for some it is a great city, a haven for the aristocracy, and for others - a swampy swamp in which they die, slowly decomposing from the inside.

This is exactly what Eugene is. His dreams were simple enough, he didn't want the supernatural. But the wrath of nature against the king took the life of his beloved. Now the guy does not know how to live on. And worries about the hero divert applause about the beauty of the city into the background. Actually, the question arises: “Why do we need beauty if it brings suffering?”

Petersburg of an ordinary worker, and the city of a representative of the noble class are two different settlements. And the author seems to emphasize this. Of course, one cannot speak of the "Bronze Horseman" as if it were alive. Peter could not come to life, but it symbolizes the clawed paw of power and the reform of that time. By the way, it is quite possible that the monument pursued Evgenia and after death (if parallel worlds exist) - it's like some kind of curse that will never end.

The history of Russia in the works of Pushkin "The Bronze Horseman": facts, events

The history of Russia in the works of Pushkin "The Bronze Horseman"

Like many writers, A. S. Pushkin pays quite a lot of attention to the history of Russia. The creation was written in 1833 and is one of the components of his works about the king. The historical value of the "Bronze Horseman" is visible to the naked eye. First, you can trace events such as:

  • The rise of St. Petersburg and its development.
  • "Window to Europe".
  • period of autocracy.
  • King transformations.
  • The rise of Russia "above the abyss" with the help of the "iron bridle".
  • Other historical events - including the erection of a monument to the tsar, “predicted” by Pushkin, which did not yet exist during the life of the poet.

Here are the facts of the piece:

  • Peter I personifies power, power, that force that acts contrary to the interests of ordinary people - and, moreover, will never understand him, will never enter into his position.
  • Evgeniy, a simple man with broken hopes, as if opposing him and personifying people's grief, regret, the pain of loss and vain dreams of happiness.
  • Speaking of the king at the beginning of creation, Pushkin presents him as a reformer, a person who left a mark on history.
  • However, choosing the place where the capital would be built, the tsar rather thought about his own wealth and the power of the state, but not about making life better for the common people.
  • That is why the city remained a stranger to the common people. No matter how beautiful, no matter how majestic Neva.

However, the river itself opposed his ideas. This is how the poet regards the floods, which happened quite often.

Composition on the topic “The monument is the image of the Bronze Horseman”: characteristics, description of the monument, who is the sculptor?

Image of the Bronze Horseman

Eugene is no more "Bronze Horseman" stands to this day. Few people know that this monument, standing on the Senate Square in St. Petersburg, was opened in 1782. Here is an essay on "Monument - the image of the Bronze Horseman" - characteristics, description of the monument, who is the sculptor:

The monument is really monumental, large and completely made of bronze. Why is it called "copper"? Thanks to the great Russian poet, who just immortalized him in the title of the poem. Here are some facts about the creation of the monument:

  • The statue was made Etienne Falcone during the period from 1768 to 1770.
  • Peter's head is the work of a sculptor's student, Marie Ann Collot.
  • Snake "added" Fedor Gordeev.
  • The casting master supervised Vasily Petrovich Ekimov. The final form of the monument acquired in 1778.
  • By the way, Yuri Felten is the author of all architect and planning decisions.

Quite an interesting history of the stone. He was found in Mounted Lakhta. After the thunder-stone was removed from the earth, a reservoir was formed, which is now called Petrovsky Pond.

The horse is reared, it seems that the initiative Peter drives it farther and farther, "to Europe." Myself Falcone argued that the monument should be as simple as possible, without any complex details. However, the king is depicted in a dynamic manner intentionally. He is represented as a legislator and creator. The clothes on the king are simple and light - perhaps because in too chic attire it would be difficult for him to ride.

His appearance is majestic, victorious. It is quite clear that the depicted Peter people who feel awe and sympathy for him.

Tragedy in A.S. Pushkin's poem "The Bronze Horseman" - composition: problem, rebellion of a little man

Tragedy in A.S. Pushkin's poem "The Bronze Horseman"

Only a narrow-minded person would think that the main problem "The Bronze Horseman"- the pursuit of a revived monument for a madman. In fact, everything is more complicated. Pushkin describes the confrontation between the common man and the state, which, alas, does not listen to his opinion, does not want to understand his needs. Here is an essay on "Tragedy in a Poem" A.S. Pushkin "The Bronze Horseman" with a description of the little man's problem and rebellion:

In the poem, power cares only about itself. And by itself, the “little man”, no one needs. Nevertheless, the poet believed that it was possible to reach agreement between a person and the state. There is a chance to realize oneself as a part of a great power, but at the same time, not to lose one's individuality, not to become a faceless gray mass. But for this you need to make an effort.

How should these relationships be built? Suppose Eugene is a poor, modest, simple worker who values ​​life. In a word, "average", "small" person. By the way, a little Alexander Sergeevich mentions that Evgeniy hailing from impoverished nobles.

But the personal life, which the hero so dreamed of, and the existence of the state are represented by two different worlds that have their own laws. To reach consensus, it is necessary to find common ground, and this is very difficult.

Peter stands at the origins of great deeds - moreover, he even erects a city to someone "in spite". The king tries to tame the elements, but at the same time, is indifferent to the needs of ordinary people, such as Evgeniy. For him, the main thing is the image of the state in the eyes of other European countries.

In understanding Pushkin, it is difficult for a person and a state to reach a consensus just because both wish each other harm and do not want to compromise. However, he does not see the tragedy in this. Alexander Sergeevich believes that if the relationship between the "little man" and the power will be based not on evil, but on love, then most of the difficulties will be solved by themselves.

As for Evgenia- this is a small man who decided to rebel. At least that's what makes it Pushkin. It's funny enough to watch the poet try to raise him to the level Petra. Nevertheless, the confrontation is still miserable - like a tiger chasing a defenseless rabbit. Even despite the imperfections of society, Yevgeny's protest and "fight" is pathetic, it does not make sense. By the way, there is a certain parallel with the Decembrists. Perhaps this is what the poet wanted to show.

Pushkin acts as a philosopher. On the example of heroes, he shows that the conflict between the state and small people will exist as long as this world will exist. And no more, no less. Accordingly, there is no point in such riots - they will not change anything. This is the problem and the tragedy - something needs to be changed, only now all the efforts are useless.

The image of Eugene in the poem "The Bronze Horseman" - composition: characterization, description

The image of Eugene in the poem "The Bronze Horseman"

The writer clearly describes the hero - a little man who rebels and conflicts with the state. His appearance can be traced in every line of the poem. Here is a description and characterization of the image Evgenia in a poem "Bronze Horseman"- essay:

The writer does not indicate the names of the hero. According to him, the young man belongs to a certain boyar family, which later became impoverished. The hero receives a meager salary and saves on almost everything. He rents a small room, which is cramped even for one person. But, nevertheless, she dreams of having a family.

He does not stand out either by charisma, or external beauty, or talents. Just an "average" person. He is young and active. He chose his beloved to match himself - a good, decent girl, but not rich. family life Evgeniy presents without any frills: household chores, wife, children, service.

After the loss of his beloved, he suffers greatly, close to insanity. This speaks not only of great love, but also of emotionality, vulnerability, and a weak psyche. Evgeniy turns into a person deeply unhappy, lonely, deprived of dreams and incentives for later life.

Composition on the topic "The image of St. Petersburg in the poem" The Bronze Horseman ": description

The image of Petersburg in the poem "The Bronze Horseman"

Every student should know the description Petersburg from this poem. After all, this is no less significant than the characters and main characters. Here is an essay describing the topic "The image of Petersburg in the poem "Bronze Horseman":

Petersburg in creation appears as great as its founder. But A.S. Pushkin tries to show not only the external, but also the spiritual greatness of this settlement. Neva, or rather, changes in her mood and state, perfectly show the atmosphere of the life of urban residents.

On the one hand, the city is monumental and beautiful. This is how he appears to noble, wealthy people who are alien to everyday problems and the efforts made to survive. And for "little people" like Evgeniy, it is a real prison, the external attractiveness of which is not at all pleasing.

The poet clearly shows how the newly created Peter, the city, begins to "bloom", is filled with grandeur and significance. The element of water has been defeated. However, the flood takes the lives of people. Because for Evgenia, Peter It's not a pretty, atmospheric place. This is a killer city - and not only loved ones, but also hopes.

Composition on the theme "Pushkin's work" The Bronze Horseman ": analysis

"Bronze Horseman"

The work of the poet is always of particular value to the people. Now in schools they often ask to write an essay about it. In fact, it is easy to make a description on such a topic, because Pushkin wrote about the problems of Russia, which are still relevant. Here is an essay on Pushkin's "The Bronze Horseman"- analysis:

Pushkin represents a historical poem written in iambic tetrameter. Regarding the construction, it implies a lyrical introduction, which can be considered separately, as well as two parts connected by a common plot. The epilogue is not explicit; the last lines can be regarded as its quality.

The introduction is made in the classical key, glorifies the ruler. However, the integrity of the poem is fully preserved. There is a conflict between the "little man" and the state. Even years later, the problem remains unresolved. There are no clear positives or negatives. Because positions Petra and Evgenia have many nuances. Metaphors, epithets, antitheses, comparisons and other means of expression are used.

An essay on the topic “The conflict of the individual and the state in the Bronze Horseman”: reasoning, analysis

There is another interesting topic that is often asked in schools for essays - "The Conflict of the Individual and the State in The Bronze Horseman". Here is the discussion and analysis:

The irresolvable conflict between a common man and a mighty power begins immediately after the introduction of Evgenia into a work. Pushkin condemns the fact that this confrontation is based on evil and believes that only love could reconcile these two poles.

However, this path is also controversial. After all, this problem will always exist. The authorities do not pay attention to the sorrows and hardships of people's life, but rules, first of all, defending their own interests.

Accordingly, the conflict, as old as the world, makes the work relevant. Alas, there are no absolute ways to correct the situation. The problem remains open. Moreover, the position Pushkin rather ambivalent - he observes neutrality, while either encouraging, or condemning the king, or pitying Evgenia, completely forgetting about it.

The final essay on the topic "Hope and Despair" on the "Bronze Horseman": reasoning

Throughout the work, the despair of the common people is traced in the person of one hero. At the same time, there is hope, but its share is so small that if you don’t read it well, you might not even notice it. Here is the final essay on the topic "Hope and Despair" based on "The Bronze Horseman"- reasoning:

Man cannot live without hope. Physiological functions may not stop, but the soul will be empty and will never be able to find peace. The torment of losing the meaning of life, as well as a loved one, is beautifully shown Pushkin For example Evgenia. A young man dreams of a quiet and peaceful family life, love, children - but the elements deprive him of all this.

The guy is desperate. He is lost in this world, not understanding how to live on. The future seems blurry to him, as if he cannot distinguish a bad dream from reality. Then the grief is replaced by anger, which he tries to pour out on the monument Petra. However, the problem does not disappear. And grief and hopelessness destroy the hero, deprive him of his life.

Human despair has many faces. It can manifest itself in mental pain and apathy, and in aggression and anger, and in the realization of the emptiness of existence and life's "uselessness". One way or another, it comes when a person is deprived of hope. It turns out that hope is the meaning of human existence, it is an incentive that gives rise to goals. The personality lives for the sake of achieving them, and when they collapse, when they are already almost achieved, this is tantamount to a slow and painful spiritual death.

Video: The Bronze Horseman. Alexander Pushkin

The Bronze Horseman is a work imbued with symbolism. In his creation, A. S. Pushkin concluded a deep meaning. The poem is trying to decipher not only historians and literary critics, but also ordinary readers. The image of Peter 1 is also ambiguous.

Was written by A.S. Pushkin in 1833. During the lifetime of the poet, it was never published. Nicholas the First opposed the publication of the work, because he considered that Peter the Great was unlawfully presented as a tyrant and autocrat. There is a version that Pushkin contrasted the image of the reformer Peter with the reign of Nicholas I. But even in the very image of Peter the author sees inconsistency, he notes in him both a despot and a great man who played a significant role in the history of the Fatherland.

From the very first lines of the work, readers are presented with the image of a great reformer who commands “to lay a city in spite of an arrogant neighbor” among the harsh land of swamps and lakes. Petersburg, built by Peter the Great, is opposed to Moscow. The new city was called upon to make a change in the established and outdated way of life that Moscow was asking at that time. Pushkin sings of the built city: "Show off the city of Peter and stand steadfast", in his words, even old Moscow faded before him.

The image of Peter 1 is enclosed in the majestic statue of the Bronze Horseman, who, having flown up a high rock on his bronze horse, towers over his grandiose creation. Pushkin boldly calls him "the ruler of Fate", "the ruler of half the world." Superhuman power is clearly exaggerated, against its background appears the modest personality of the second hero - Eugene, who presents a collective image of the capital's citizens. The conqueror of the elements and an ordinary representative of society met on the banks of the Neva, personifying two extremes: exorbitant human power and the image of the capital's faceless crowd reduced to nothingness. The city, which was created by the will of Peter, has become alien to people, it dries up their souls.

Pushkin sympathizes with poor Eugene, struck by the power of Peter the Great, but he also understands the purpose of Peter's actions, his desire to "become a firm foot at the sea", the elements humbled themselves under the rule of the autocrat, the capital was approved, there is protection from the sea, Russia becomes a great power. But at what cost has all this been achieved?

In this confrontation, one sees a discrepancy between the interests of one person and the goals and objectives of the entire state. Should the will of one individual, taken from the crowd, submit to the will of the entire state, is the happiness of each person really connected with the well-being of the whole country? This question was raised by the author. Pushkin himself does not give an exact answer to it, he invites the reader to draw conclusions on his own. The truth, as often happens, lies in the middle, there is no state without a person, but it is not possible to take into account the interests of each individual person. Perhaps this is the dilemma of the work.

In this work, the author tried to draw the reader's attention to the problem that worries the people of that era - the conflict between the state and the individual. The image and characteristics of Peter I in the poem "The Bronze Horseman" will be presented in two guises. On the one hand, Peter is a strong and courageous person who makes reforms for the benefit of the people, on the other hand, he is an autocratic tyrant, forcing him to obey and blindly obey.

Image and characteristics

The image of Peter I in the poem by A.S. Pushkin personifies the state and unlimited power over the people. Peter I is a historical figure. It is he who is the founder of St. Petersburg, the city on the Neva. In contrast to the sovereign, there is an ordinary hard worker Eugene, whose hopes for a happy life were dashed.

At the very beginning of the poem, Peter appears as a reformer, in whose head

"full of great thoughts."

Choosing a place for the capital, Peter first of all thought about the greatness and wealth of the state, but not about the people living in it. He managed to fulfill his dream, to build a city on the Neva, which became one of the most beautiful cities in the world.

"Show off the city of Peter and stand steadfast."

"Rising from the darkness of the forests, from the swamp of blat."

The capital of the Russian Empire turned out to be alien to the people. He had no place among these columns and majestic monuments.

"Along the busy shores, slender masses are crowded ... people crowded in heaps."

In the introduction to the first part, the name of Peter is not mentioned. Pushkin calls the creator of St. Petersburg "he".

"He stood on the shore of the desert waves, full of great thoughts."

Later it becomes clear that the idea to build a city along the banks of a violent river was doomed to failure. The unbalanced river expressed its protest in the form of terrible floods sent to the people.

Petersburg was an ideal city for rich and noble people. He did not care about the fate of mere mortals. He just trampled on them like an unnecessary thing. Peter tried to improve the lives of those who were already doing well. Ordinary people suffered from his reforms, powerless to change anything.

In the second part of the work, Peter appears in the form of a stone idol. The monument is located on the Senate Square. The Bronze Horseman seemed to fly up to a high rock on a bronze horse to admire his creation from above. Pushkin will take Peter the Great a hundred years ahead, turning the animated image of his beloved hero into his statue. The greatness and power of the Bronze Horseman involuntarily inspire fear in everyone who comes face to face with him. No wonder the author rewards him with lofty epithets "the ruler of Fate", "the ruler of half the world."

Pushkin idealized Peter, comparing him with a demigod, while at the same time making it clear how small and insignificant Eugene is in comparison with him. They collided on the banks of the river, representing two extremes. One of them is power and strength, the other is impersonality and pity.

In the final part of the work, the Bronze Horseman came to life, setting off in pursuit of Eugene. This scene once again makes it clear that a simple person is unable to fight the state alone. It's like a drop in the ocean.

The writing

Before proceeding to the analysis of the composition of Pushkin's artistic and prose works, I will dwell on two of the most complex and at the same time especially meaningful compositions of Pushkin's poetic works - the construction of the poems "Poltava" and "The Bronze Horseman". Many contemporary critics of Pushkin (to a certain extent Belinsky joined them in his Pushkin articles) reproached the poet for the lack of unity of action in his Poltava; in the fact that, within the framework of one work, the poet combined, as they thought, heterogeneous, usually correlated with various poetic genres, material - a love, romantic plot and "singing" of the most important historical events. “From Pushkin’s Poltava,” Belinsky wrote, “an epic poem could not come out because of the impossibility of an epic poem in our time, and a romantic poem, like Byron’s, also could not come out because of the poet’s desire to merge it with an impossible epic poem.”

However, in this case, Belinsky approached the assessment of Pushkin's Poltava with the measure of the traditional division of poetry into genera and species. Meanwhile, Pushkin in all his work, as a rule, broke these traditional boundaries. In the same way, from his "Poltava" - one can state this with full confidence - he in no way intended to create not only a traditional epic poem, but also a new romantic one, which he allegedly tried to merge with the epic. The strong points here are two "meetings" between Eugene and the Bronze Horseman - Peter, compositionally timed to precisely calculated places: the first "meeting" - at the end of the first part; the second - at the end of the second.

* Then, on Petrova Square,
* Where the house in the corner ascended new,
* Where above the elevated porch,
* With a raised paw, as if alive,
* There are two guard lions,
* On a marble beast riding,
* Without a hat, hands clenched in a cross,
* Sat motionless, terribly pale
* Evgeniy. He was afraid, poor
* Not for myself. He didn't hear
* As the greedy shaft rose,
* Washing his soles,
* As the rain whipped into his face,
* Like the wind, violently howling,
* He suddenly tore off his hat.

And again, the poet has done everything to make it impossible to smooth out the difference between a person and a monument, to bring them closer to each other, to make each other aesthetically, in our artistic perception, equivalent. Just as the poet in the introduction gave the image of Peter, so here he gives the image of Eugene: he portrays him emphatically “statuary”. At the sight of a terrible catastrophe, at the thought of the danger that threatens the girl he loves, Eugene, fleeing from the rising more and more water on the high porch of the old manor's mansion, sitting astride a marble lion, and himself seems to turn to stone from horror, turns into a statue: “The unmoving, terribly pale Eugene sat”, “His desperate eyes were fixed on the edge alone.” Finally:

* And he, as if bewitched,
* As if chained to marble,
* Can't get off!

On the contrary, the poet brings the monument of Peter closer to the image of the living Peter (in the introduction to the poem); there he stood over the Neva; it is in the exact same place now:

* Over the perturbed Neva
*Stands with outstretched hand
* Idol on a bronze horse.

In fact, Peter, of course, is not standing, but sitting on a horse (this is exactly what the poet will say in exactly the same context at the end of the second part: “I was sitting on a bronze horse”); but the verb stands in this case also expresses the greater activity of Peter's posture in comparison with the posture of Eugene and at the same time echoes the “he stood” of the introduction. As a result, we have before us, as it were, a kind of peculiar sculptural ensemble, a sculptural group.

Towards the Neva gushing from its banks, rebellious, going to the city of the Neva, two are turned: in front, almost close to the river, is the motionless Peter on horseback; behind, on the other side of the square, is the motionless Yevgeny “on a marble beast”.

As you can see, there is no clash, no conflict here yet. So far, this is still only a comparison: on the one hand, stolons focus only on one’s own, “private”, without thinking about the “general”; on the other hand, the appeal to the “general”, in which the “private” is simply not noticed, as if “it does not exist. But the very distinctness, the sharpness of such a parallel-contrasting juxtaposition, and especially the one just indicated, which ends the whole scene and is full of great semantic expressiveness, expression, the posture of the Bronze Horseman: “turning his back to him” - prepare in the reader’s mind the pattern of the future conflict, are, as it were, its prerequisites.

At the second, and now direct, face-to-face, meeting of Evgeny with the Bronze Horseman, this prepared, deeply tragic conflict in its essence takes place.

* Eugene jumped up; remembered vividly
* He is a past horror; hastily
* He got up; went to wander, and suddenly
* Stopped - and around
*Quietly began to drive eyes
* With wild fear on his face.

And with this almost complete coincidence with the initial situation, a sudden and bright light flashes in Yevgeny’s consciousness, immersed in the darkness of madness:

Eugene shuddered. cleared up

* It has scary thoughts.
* He found out
* And the place where the flood played,
* Where the predatory waves crowded,
* Rebelling viciously around him,
* And the lions, and the square, and that,
* Who stood motionless
* In the darkness of the copper head,
* The one whose fateful will
* Under the sea, the city was founded ...

“Thoughts cleared up”, and “terribly” cleared up - this expression is full of deep meaning. Eugene not only learned, but also for the first time understood the causal relationship that exists between the catastrophe that befell him and the one whose image immovably rises before him, who founded the city right here, “under the sea”, and as a result was the culprit of his terrible misfortune .

The complex historical dialectic of Peter the Great's transformations is deeply cognized and expressed by Pushkin with remarkable artistic power in the contrast of the two Petersburgs that appears before us in The Bronze Horseman. Petersburg - an introduction to the poem: "the beauty and wonder of the full-night countries", with its palaces, towers, gardens, the capital of the Petrine Empire, the Russian autocracy; and Petersburg - the actual poems: the city of "poor Eugene", Petersburg outskirts, attics ("the kennel of the fifth housing", that is, the fifth floor, "attic" was directly called by Pushkin in draft blanks the dwelling of the future hero), dilapidated houses, huts, "belongings of a pale poverty." Hence the duality of the image of Peter.

This is a great historical figure, "a powerful master of fate", commanding the very elements; and at the same time it is a “terrible”, “terrible tsar”, a “proud idol” of autocracy (about St. Petersburg of the introduction: “Ascended magnificently, proudly”), ruthlessly crushing everything that gets in the way, mercilessly pursuing the slightest attempt to protest, even if it comes from the mouth of a man who has gone mad from comprehended; the necks of his terrible catastrophe, resembling the man he had ruined. This historically conditioned unity of contradictions in the appearance and deed of Peter is also expressed in the famous final formula-address of the poet to the Bronze Horseman:

* O mighty lord of fate!
* Aren't you above the abyss itself
* At a height, with an iron bridle
* Russia raised on its hind legs?

“Above the abyss” means that he did not let him fall into it; but "raised on its hind legs", and lifted ". with an iron bridle."

Other writings on this work

Analysis of the poem by A. S. Pushkin "The Bronze Horseman" The conflict of the individual and the state in the poem by A. S. Pushkin "The Bronze Horseman" The image of Eugene in the poem by A. S. Pushkin "The Bronze Horseman" The image of the Bronze Horseman in the poem of the same name by A. S. Pushkin The image of St. Petersburg in the poem by A. S. Pushkin "The Bronze Horseman" The image of Peter the Great in the poem by A. S. Pushkin "The Bronze Horseman" The image of Tsar Peter I in the poem by A. S. Pushkin "The Bronze Horseman" The plot and composition of the poem by A. S. Pushkin "The Bronze Horseman" The tragedy of a little man in the poem by A. S. Pushkin "The Bronze Horseman" Image of Peter I The problem of personality and state in Pushkin's poem "The Bronze Horseman" The image of St. Petersburg in Pushkin's poem "The Bronze Horseman" The image of Peter in Alexander Pushkin's poem "The Bronze Horseman" The image of the elements in the poem "The Bronze Horseman" The truth of Eugene and the truth of Peter (based on Pushkin's poem "The Bronze Horseman") Brief analysis of Pushkin's poem "The Bronze Horseman"

Pushkin's last poem, one of his most perfect poetic works, is the result of the poet's reflections on the personality of Peter the Great, on Russian history and the state and the place of man in it. That is why this work so organically combines the story of the fate of an ordinary resident of St. Petersburg, who suffered during the flood - Yevgeny, and historical and philosophical reflections on the personality and activities of Peter, his significance for Russia.

It would seem that nothing can connect these two heroes. One of them is the tsar, the great reformer of the Russian state, and the other is a "little man", a poor official, unknown to anyone. But the poet miraculously crosses their lines of life. It turns out that each of these heroes, despite all their differences in size, has its own "truth", its own world, which has every right to exist.

The “truth” of Peter, as shown in the introduction to the poem, is the task of a great statesman who, in spite of everything, even nature itself, planned to create a beautiful city “in the swamp of blat” and thereby “cut a window into Europe”, and therefore change throughout the history of Russia. At first glance, everything conceived by the "miraculous builder" came true: the city, the anthem of which Pushkin composes, was built, the elements were pacified, and he himself became "the ruler of half the world."

"Pravda" Evgeny is connected with the dreams of the most ordinary person about family, home, work. The hero hopes that "he will somehow arrange himself / A humble and simple shelter / And in it he will calm Parasha." It seems that such vital tasks are easy to accomplish, but everything collapsed due to the fact that during the terrible flood, the bride of Yevgeny Parasha died, and he, unable to withstand this shock, went crazy. Who is to blame for this? At first, it may seem that the answer is obvious: an element that sweeps away everything in its path.

But suddenly another motive appears: during the flood, the people "see God's wrath and await execution." Why did it happen? The answer arises in the climactic scene, when, a year later, the crazy Yevgeny, wandering around the city, finds himself next to the monument to Peter. For a moment, the consciousness of the unfortunate clears up, and Eugene throws an accusation against the copper idol, embodying the second - merciless and cruel - face of Peter: “Good, miraculous builder! - / He whispered, trembling angrily, - / You already! ..». After all, it was Peter, embodying his "truth", in spite of everything, "by the will of a fatal city under the sea" founded, dooming its ordinary inhabitants to suffering. The Bronze Horseman, “an idol on a bronze horse”, is formidable and merciless, because he is the embodiment of that state system, that “truth”, which, with an “iron bridle”, raised Russia on its hind legs. Such "truth", "written with a whip", opposed and resists the "truth" of an ordinary person.

That is why in the final scene there is a terrible fantastic chase of the Bronze Horseman for the unfortunate madman, and Eugene dies. This tragic conflict between the "truth" of state power and the "truth" of man seems to be insoluble and eternal. "Where are you galloping, proud horse, / And where will you lower your hooves?" - the poet addresses not only to his contemporaries, but also to us - their descendants. The riddle of history remains unsolved, but Pushkin showed us that human "truth" is no less important than the "truth" of power. Power, the "idol" is only a dead statue, it is powerless against the human heart, memory, living soul.



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