M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin "The History of a City": description, heroes, analysis of the work

In creating the ironic, grotesque "History of a City," Saltykov-Shchedrin hoped to arouse in the reader not laughter, but a "bitter feeling" of shame. The idea of ​​the work is built on the image of a certain hierarchy: a simple people who will not resist the instructions of often stupid rulers, and the tyrannical rulers themselves. In the face of the common people in this story, the inhabitants of the city of Foolov act, and their oppressors are the mayors. Saltykov-Shchedrin notes with irony that this people needs a leader, one who will give them instructions and keep them in "hedgehogs", otherwise the whole people will fall into anarchy.

History of creation

The concept and idea of ​​the novel "The History of a City" were formed gradually. In 1867, the writer wrote the fairy-tale-fantastic work "The Tale of the Governor with a Stuffed Head", which subsequently formed the basis of the chapter "Organchik". In 1868 Saltykov-Shchedrin began working on The History of a City and finished in 1870. Initially, the author wanted to give the work the name "Glupovsky Chronicler". The novel was published in the then popular magazine Otechestvennye Zapiski.

The plot of the work

(Illustrations creative team Soviet graphic artists "Kukryniksy")

The story is told from the perspective of the chronicler. He talks about the inhabitants of the city, who were so stupid that their city was given the name "Stupid". The novel begins with the chapter "On the Root of the Origin of the Foolovites", in which the history of this people is given. It tells in particular about the tribe of bunglers, who, after defeating the neighboring tribes of onion-eaters, thick-eaters, walrus-eaters, kosobryukhy and others, decided to find a ruler for themselves, because they wanted to restore order in the tribe. Only one prince decided to rule, and even he sent a thief-innovator instead of himself. When he stole, the prince sent him a noose, but the thief was able to get out in a sense and stabbed himself with a cucumber. As you can see, irony and the grotesque coexist perfectly in the work.

After several unsuccessful candidates for the role of deputies, the prince appeared in the city in person. Becoming the first ruler, he marked the "historical time" of the city. Twenty-two rulers with their accomplishments are said to have ruled the city, but the Inventory lists twenty-one. Apparently, the missing one is the founder of the city.

Main characters

Each of the mayors fulfills his task in implementing the writer's idea through the grotesque to show the absurdity of their government. In many types, the features of historical figures are visible. For greater recognition, Saltykov-Shchedrin not only described the style of their government, ridiculously distorted the names, but also gave apt characteristics indicating historical prototype. Some personalities of city governors are images collected from characteristic features different faces of the history of the Russian state.

So, the third ruler Ivan Matveyevich Velikanov, famous for drowning the director of economic affairs and imposing taxes at three kopecks per person, was exiled to prison for having an affair with Avdotya Lopukhina, the first wife of Peter I.

Brigadier Ivan Matveyevich Baklan, the sixth mayor, was tall and proud of being a follower of Ivan the Terrible's line. The reader understands what is meant by the bell tower in Moscow. The ruler found death in the spirit of the same grotesque image that fills the novel - the foreman was broken in half during a storm.

The personality of Peter III in the image of Guards Sergeant Bogdan Bogdanovich Pfeifer is indicated by the characteristic given to him - "a Holstein native", the style of government of the mayor and his outcome - removed from the post of ruler "for ignorance".

Dementy Varlamovich Brodysty is nicknamed "Organchik" for the presence of a mechanism in his head. He kept the city at bay because he was gloomy and withdrawn. When trying to take the head of the mayor for repair to the capital's masters, she was thrown out by a frightened coachman from the carriage. After the reign of Organchik, chaos reigned in the city for 7 days.

The short period of prosperity of the townspeople is associated with the name of the ninth mayor, Semyon Konstantinovich Dvoekurov. A civilian adviser and innovator, he took up appearance cities, started honey and brewing. Tried to open an academy.

The longest reign was marked by the twelfth mayor, Vasilisk Semenovich Borodavkin, who reminds the reader of the style of government of Peter I. historical figure his “glorious deeds” also indicate - he destroyed the Streltsy and Dung settlements, and the difficult relationship with the eradication of the ignorance of the people - he fought four wars for enlightenment in Foolov and three against. He resolutely prepared the city for burning, but suddenly died.

Origin former peasant Onufry Ivanovich Negodyaev, who heated stoves before serving as mayor, destroyed the streets paved by the former ruler and erected monuments on these resources. The image was copied from Paul I, which is also indicated by the circumstances of his removal: he was fired for disagreeing with the triumvirate about constitutions.

Under the state councilor Erast Andreevich Sadtilov, the stupid elite was busy with balls and night meetings with the reading of the works of a certain gentleman. As in the reign of Alexander I, the mayor did not care about the people, who were impoverished and starving.

Scoundrel, idiot and "Satan" Ugryum-Burcheev bears a "talking" surname and is "written off" from Count Arakcheev. He finally destroys Foolov and decides to build the city of Neprekolnsk in a new place. When trying to implement such a grandiose project, the “end of the world” occurred: the sun faded, the earth shook, and the mayor disappeared without a trace. Thus ended the story of "one city".

Analysis of the work

Saltykov-Shchedrin, with the help of satire and the grotesque, aims to reach out to human soul. He wants to convince the reader that the human institution must be based on Christian principles. Otherwise, a person's life can be deformed, mutilated, and in the end can lead to the death of the human soul.

"The History of a City" is an innovative work that has overcome the usual framework of artistic satire. Each image in the novel has pronounced grotesque features, but is recognizable at the same time. That gave rise to a flurry of criticism against the author. He was accused of "slandering" the people and rulers.

Indeed, the story of Glupov is largely written off from the chronicle of Nestor, which tells about the time of the beginning of Rus' - "The Tale of Bygone Years". The author intentionally emphasized this parallel in order to make it clear who he means by the Foolovites, and that all these mayors are by no means a flight of fancy, but real Russian rulers. At the same time, the author makes it clear that he does not describe the entire human race, namely Russia, rewriting its history in his own satirical way.

However, the purpose of creating the work Saltykov-Shchedrin did not make a mockery of Russia. The writer's task was to encourage society to critically rethink its history in order to eradicate existing vices. The grotesque plays a huge role in the creation artistic image in the work of Saltykov-Shchedrin. The main goal of the writer is to show the vices of people who are not noticed by society.

The writer ridiculed the ugliness of society and was called the "great mocker" among such predecessors as Griboyedov and Gogol. Reading the ironic grotesque, the reader wanted to laugh, but there was something sinister in this laughter - the audience "felt how the scourge was whipping itself."

In order to make a correct analysis of "The History of a City" by Saltykov-Shchedrin, one must not only read this work, but also study it thoroughly. Try to reveal the essence and meaning of what Mikhail Evgrafovich tried to convey to the reader. To do this, you need to analyze the plot and the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe story. In addition, attention should be paid to the images of mayors. As in many other works of the author, he gives them Special attention compared to an ordinary commoner.

Author's published work

"History of a City" is one of the famous works M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. It was published in Otechestvennye Zapiski, which aroused great interest in the novel. To have a clear idea of ​​the work, you need to analyze it. So, the analysis of the "History of a City" by Saltykov-Shchedrin. The genre is a novel, the style of writing - a historical chronicle.

The reader immediately gets acquainted with the unusual image of the author. This is "the last archivist-chronicler." From the very beginning, M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin made a small postscript, which indicated that everything was published on the basis of original documents. Why was this done by the writer? To give credibility to everything about which the story will be told. All additions and author's notes contribute to creating historical truth in the work.

Reliability of the novel

The analysis of Saltykov-Shchedrin's "History of a City" is intended to indicate the history of writing, the use of means of expression. As well as the skill of the writer in ways of revealing the characters of literary images.

The preface reveals the author's intention to create the novel "The History of a City". Which city deserves to be immortalized in a literary work? In the archives of the city of Glupov there were descriptions of all the important affairs of the city dwellers, biographies of the mayors who changed their posts. The novel contains exact dates of the period described in the work: from 1731 to 1826. A quotation from a poem known at the time of writing by G.R. Derzhavin. And the reader believes in it. How else!

The author uses a specific name, talks about the events that took place in any city. M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin traces the life of the chiefs of the city in connection with the change in various temporary historical eras. Each era changes the people in power. They were reckless, they skillfully disposed of the treasury of the city, they were chivalrously brave. But no matter how time changes them, they manage and command ordinary people.

What is written in the analysis

The analysis of Saltykov-Shchedrin's "History of a City" will be written, like any written in prose, according to a certain plan. The plan addresses the following characteristics history of the novel and storylines, composition and images, style, direction, genre. Sometimes an analyzing critic or an observer from the reader's circle can add his attitude to the work.

Now it is worth turning to a specific work.

The history of creation and the main idea of ​​the work

Saltykov-Shchedrin conceived his novel long ago, nurtured it for many years. His observations of the autocratic system have long been looking for embodiment in literary works. The writer worked on the novel for more than ten years. Saltykov-Shchedrin corrected and rewrote entire chapters more than once.

The main idea of ​​the work is the satirist's view of the history of Russian society. The main thing in the city is not gold and money-grubbing, but deeds. Thus, the entire novel "The History of a City" contains the theme of the satirical history of society. The writer seemed to have predicted the fact of the death of the autocracy. This is felt in the decisions of the Foolovites, who do not want to live in a regime of despotism and humiliation.


Novel « The history of one city "content has a special, unlike and hitherto not described in any classic. This is for the society that is contemporary to the author, and in this state system there is a power hostile to the people. To describe the city of Glupov and its Everyday life the author takes a time period of a hundred years. The history of the city changes when changing regular power. Very briefly and schematically, you can present the whole plot of the work in a few sentences.

The first thing the author talks about is the origin of the people inhabiting the city. A long time ago, a tribe of bunglers managed to defeat all their neighbors. They are looking for a prince-ruler, instead of whom a thief-governor is in power, for which he paid the price. This went on for a very long time, until the prince decided to come to Foolov himself. The following is a story about all the significant people of the city. When it comes to the mayor Ugryum-Burcheev, the reader sees that the people's anger is growing. The expected explosion ends the work. Disappeared Gloomy-Grumbling, begins new period. It's time for change.

Compositional construction

The composition has a fragmentary appearance, but its integrity is not violated by this. The plan of the work is simple and at the same time extremely complex. It's easy to imagine it like this:

  • Acquaintance of the reader with the history of the inhabitants of the city of Glupov.
  • 22 rulers and their characteristic features.
  • Mayor Brudasty and his organ in his head.
  • The struggle for power in the city.
  • Dvokurov in power.
  • Years of calm and famine under Ferdyshchenko.
  • The activities of Vasilisk Semenovich Borodavkin.
  • Changes in the lifestyle of the city.
  • Decay of morals.
  • Ugryum-Burcheev.
  • Borodavkin about obligations.
  • Mikaladze about the appearance of the ruler.
  • Benevolsky about kindness.

Individual episodes

Interesting "History of one city" chapter by chapter. The first chapter "From the Publisher" contains a story about the city, about its history. The author himself admits that the plot is somewhat monotonous and contains the history of the government of the city. There are four narrators, and the story is told in turn by each of them.

The second chapter "On the origin of the Foolovites" tells the story of the prehistoric period of the existence of tribes. Whom only was not there at that time: thick-headed and onion-eaters, frogs and bunglers.

In the chapter "Organchik" there is a conversation about the board of the mayor named Brodasty. He is laconic, his head is absolutely empty. Master Baibakov, at the request of the people, revealed the secret of Brodystoy: a small musical instrument. A period of anarchy begins in Foolov.

The next chapter is full of events and dynamism. It is called "The Tale of the Six Mayors". From this moment on, the moments of change of rulers come one after another: Dvoekurov, who ruled for eight years, with the ruler Ferdyshchenko, the people lived happily and prosperously for six years. The activity and activities of the next mayor Borodavkin made it possible for the people of Glupov to learn what abundance is. But all good things come to an end sometime. This happened with Glupov when Captain Negodyaev came to power.

Now the people of the city see little good, no one is concerned with them, although some rulers are trying to deal with legislation. What the Foolovites did not survive: hunger, poverty, devastation. The "History of a City" chapter by chapter gives a complete picture of the changes that took place in Foolov.

Hero Skins

Occupy a lot of space in the novel "The History of a City" mayors. Each of them has its own principles of government in the city. Each is assigned a separate chapter in the work. To maintain the style of chronicle narration, the author uses a number of satirical artistic means: anachronism and fantasy, limited space and symbolic details. The novel exposes the entire modern reality. For this, the author uses the grotesque and hyperbole. Each of the mayors is brightly drawn by the author. The images turned out to be colorful, regardless of how their rule influenced the life of the city. Brudasty's categoricalness, Dvoekurov's reformism, Wartkin's struggle for enlightenment, Ferdyshchenko's greed and love of love, Pimple's non-interference in any affairs, and Ugyum-Burcheev with his idiocy.


satirical novel. It is a chronological overview. It looks like a kind of original parody of the chronicle. Complete Analysis"History of a City" by Saltykov-Shchedrin is ready. It remains only to read the work again. Readers will have A New Look based on the novel by Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin.

Sometimes the bottom line is in the little things.

In the work “The History of a City”, any passage is so good and bright, every little thing is in its place. Take, for example, the chapter "On the Root of the Origin of the Foolovites." The passage is like a fairy tale. There are many in the chapter fictional characters, invented funny names tribes, which formed the basis of the city of Glupov. Elements of folklore will sound more than once from the lips of the heroes of the work, one of the bunglers sings the song "Don't make noise, mother is green oak tree." The merits of the Foolovites look ridiculous: skilful pasta stirrup, trade, performance of obscene songs.

“The History of a City” is the pinnacle of creativity of the great Russian classic Saltykov-Shchedrin. This masterpiece brought the author fame as a satirist writer. This novel contains hidden history throughout Russia. Saltykov-Shchedrin saw an unfair attitude towards the common people. He very subtly felt and saw the shortcomings of the Russian political system. As in the history of Russia, in the novel, a harmless ruler is replaced by a tyrant and a dictator.

Epilogue of the story

The ending of the work is symbolic, in which the despotic mayor Ugryum-Burcheev dies in the funnel of the whirlwind of popular anger, but there is no certainty that a respectable ruler will come to power. Thus, there is no certainty and constancy in matters of power.

"History of a City" summary which is given in this article, this is an ironic, grotesque chronicle of the city of Glupov. The satire of Saltykov-Shchedrin is transparent, so the face of modern Russia is easily guessed in the text.

Only at first glance it seems that the story, like an inventory of city governors, is a gallery of madness and human moral deformities. In fact, each image is recognizable in its own way.

Unfortunately, the work does not lose its uniqueness to this day.

The history of the creation of the "History of one city"

The idea of ​​the work was nurtured by the author for several years. In 1867, a story appears about a mayor with a stuffed head, eaten with appetite at the end. This hero transformed into a governor named Pimple. And the story itself became one of the chapters of the story.

Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin (1826-1889)

A year later, the author began writing the chronicle of Glupov. The work lasted over a year. Initially, the work was called "Glupovsky Chronicler", the final title appeared later. The name change is due to the fact that the second carries a wider semantic load.

In the year of graduation, the story was first published in the almanac "Notes of the Fatherland", where Mikhail Evgrafovich signed with the pseudonym N. Shchedrin. A self-published edition comes out six months later. The text is somewhat different. The sequence of chapters has been changed, and the characteristics and descriptions of the governors have been rewritten in abbreviation, but have become more expressive.

Main characters and their characteristics

The main characters of the work are the mayors and townspeople - the inhabitants of Glupov. Below is a table with specifications. A brief overview of the main characters is given.

Amadeus Manuilovich Klementy Italian. At home he served as a cook. His signature and most delicious dish was pasta. The Duke of Courland, admiring his culinary skills, took him with him as a family cook. After Amadeus Manuilovich received high status which helped him take the position of mayor. Klementy forced all the Foolovites to make pasta. Sent into exile for high treason.
Fotiy Petrovich Ferapontov He was the personal hairdresser of the Duke of Courland. Then he began to rule the city. Big spectator. Never missed public punishments on the square. He was always present when someone was flogged with rods. In 1738, the manager was torn to pieces by dogs.
Ivan Matveyevich Velikanov He is famous for drowning the director responsible for the economy and the economy in a pond. For the first time introduced a tax from the townspeople. From each, a few kopecks to the treasury of the board. Often severely beat police officers. Seen in an indecent relationship with the first wife of Peter I (Avdotya Lopukhina). After that, he was taken into custody, where he remains to this day.
Manyl Samylovich Urus-Kugush-Kildibaev Brave soldier, guardsman. Control methods are appropriate. He was remembered by the townspeople for his courage bordering on madness. Once even took the city of Foolov by storm. There is little information about him in the chronicle. But it is known that in 1745 he was dismissed from the post of governor.
lamvrokakis A fugitive Greek citizen of unknown origin, name and family. Before becoming a mayor, he traded soap, oils, nuts and other small things in the market of a neighboring city. He died in his own bed in an unequal battle with bedbugs.
Ivan Matveyevich Baklan He is famous for his height of more than two meters. Died during a hurricane. Strong wind broke the man in half.
Dementy Varlamovich Brodysty The role of the brain in his head was performed by a peculiar mechanism resembling an organ. But this did not interfere with the performance of the duties of the governor, the preparation and execution of papers. Therefore, the inhabitants affectionately called him Organchik. He did not contact the public, but constantly uttered the only formidable phrase “I will not tolerate!” Why the inhabitants of the city were in perpetual fear. Actively collected taxes and taxes. After his reign, there was anarchy for about a week.

The image symbolizes the stupidity, emptiness and limitations of most officials and managers.

Semyon Konstantinovich Dvoekurov Active and proactive manager. Paved roads (as many as two). Organized local production of beer and honey drinks. He forced the inhabitants to cultivate and consume mustard, as well as bay leaf. He collected arrears more actively than others. For any infractions and without them, stupid people are beaten with rods. The only one who died of natural causes.
Petr Petrovich Ferdyshchenko Former soldier. He was Potemkin's batman himself, which he was pretty proud of. The first six years were uneventful. But then the brigadier seemed to be crazy. The depth of the mind did not differ. He had a speech impediment, so he was tongue-tied. Died from overeating.
Vasilisk Semenovich Borodavkin Appears in the Enlightenment Wars chapter.

The portrait of the hero corresponds to the surname.

The longest reign in the history of the city. The predecessors launched arrears, so Wartkin took it sternly. In the process, more than 30 villages burned down, and only two and a half rubles were saved. Equipped one area, planted trees on one street.

Constantly fastened with all the buttons, put out fires, created false alarms. Solve problems that didn't exist.

He forced the Foolovites to build houses on foundations, plant Persian chamomile, and use Provence oil.

He dreamed of annexing Byzantium, and then renaming Constantinople to Ekaterinograd.

Tried to open an academy, failed. So he built a prison. He fought for education, but at the same time against it. True, the inhabitants of the city did not see the difference. Could do a lot more "useful", but suddenly died.

Onufry Ivanovich Negodyaev Man of the people. He served as a stoker in Gatchina. He ordered the destruction of the streets paved by his predecessors. And from the resulting stone to rebuild the monuments and memorials. Foolov fell into decay, devastation was all around, and the townspeople became wild, even overgrown with wool.

He was fired from his position.

Gloomy-Grumbling In the past, a military man, therefore he is obsessed with the army and military operations. Empty limited, stupid, like most of the characters in the book. He preferred to destroy Foolov and rebuild another city nearby, making a military fortification out of it. Forced residents to go to military uniform, live according to the army schedule, carry out absurd orders, line up and march. Ugryumov always slept on bare ground. Missing in time natural phenomenon that no one could explain.
Erast Andreevich Sadilov He always looked offended, upset, which did not prevent him from being depraved, vulgar. During his reign, the city was mired in debauchery. He wrote melancholy odes. He died of inexplicable anguish.
Acne Like many rulers of the city, from the former military. Was in office for several years. Decided to take over management to take a break from work. The Foolovites unexpectedly became rich under him, which aroused suspicion and unhealthy reactions among the masses. Later it turned out that the governor had a stuffed head. The ending is deplorable and unpleasant: the head was eaten.

Minor characters

prince A foreign ruler whom the Foolovites asked to become their prince. He was stupid but cruel. He solved all questions with the exclamation: “I’ll screw up!”
Iraida Lukinichna Paleologova The impostor who appeared during the period of turmoil after the death of Brudasty (Organchik). Based on the fact that her husband reigned for several days, and her historical surname(a hint of Sophia Paleolog - the grandmother of Ivan the Terrible) demanded power. Rules for a few days outside the city.
Interception-Zalkhvatsky He appeared victorious on a white horse. Burned down the high school. Zalikhvatsky became the prototype of Paul I.
Foolovites City dwellers. The collective image of the people, blindly worshiping the tyranny of power.

The list of heroes is not complete, it is given in abbreviation. Only in times of turmoil, more than ten rulers were replaced, of which six were women.

It is a summary of the work by chapters.

From the publisher

The narrator assures the reader of the authenticity of the document. As proof of the absence fiction an argument is made about the monotony of the narrative. The text is entirely devoted to the biographies of the mayors and the peculiarities of their government.

The story begins with the address of the last clerk, setting out a chronicle of events.

About the origin of fools

The chapter describes the prehistoric period. A tribe of bunglers waged internecine wars with their neighbors, defeating them. When the last enemy was defeated, the population was confused. Then they began to search for a prince to rule them. But even the most stupid princes did not want to take power over the savages.

They found someone who agreed to "go free", but did not go to live on the territory of the estate. He sent governors who turned out to be thieves. I had to appear to the prince in person.


The reign of Dementiy Brudasty began. The townsfolk were surprised by his lack of emotion. It turned out that he had a small device in his head. The mechanism played only two short compositions: “I will ruin” and “I will not tolerate”.

Then the unit broke down. The local watchmaker was unable to fix it himself. We ordered a new head from the capital. But the package, as is often the case in Russia, was lost.

Because of anarchy, unrest began, and then a week-long anarchy.

The Tale of the Six Mayors

During the anarchist week, six impostors changed. Women's claim to power was based on the fact that their husbands, brothers, or other relatives once ruled. Or they themselves were in the service of the families of the mayors. And some had no reason at all.

The news about Dvokurov

Semyon Konstatinovich stayed in power for about eight years. Ruler of progressive views. Main innovations: brewing, honey brewing, planting and use of bay leaves and mustard.

Reformatory activity is worthy of respect. But the changes were violent, ridiculous and unnecessary.

hungry city

The first six years of the governorship of Petr Ferdyshchenko were measured and calm. But then he fell in love with someone else's wife, who did not share her feelings. A drought began, then other cataclysms. The result: starvation and death.

The people rebelled, caught and threw the chosen one of the official from the bell tower. The uprising was brutally suppressed.

thatched city

After the next love affair of the steward, fires began. The whole area burned down.

fantasy traveler

The governor went on a journey to homes and villages, demanding that food be brought to him. This was the cause of his death. The townsfolk are frightened that they will be accused of deliberately feeding the boss. But everything worked out. A new one has arrived to replace the fantastic traveler from the capital.

Wars for enlightenment

Wartkin approached the post thoroughly. Studied the activities of predecessors. I decided to look up to the reformer Dvoekurov. He ordered to sow mustard again, to collect arrears.

The inhabitants rebelled on their knees. Wars "for enlightenment" began to be waged against them. Power has always been the winner. As a punishment for disobedience, it is ordered to use Provence oil and sow Persian chamomile.

The era of dismissal from wars

Under Negodyaev, the city became even more impoverished than under the previous ruler. This is the only manager of the people who previously served as a stoker. But the democratic principle did not benefit the population.

The Pimple period is noteworthy. He did not engage in any activity, but the people grew rich, which raised doubts. The marshal of the nobility revealed a secret: the chief's head was stuffed with truffles. A quick-witted henchman personally feasted on her.

Worship of mammon and repentance

The successor of the stuffed head, State Councilor Ivanov, died from a decree that he could not understand, burst from mental strain.

The Vicomte de Chario took over. With him, life was fun, but stupid. Nobody was involved in administrative affairs, but there were many holidays, balls, masquerades, and other amusements.

Confirmation of repentance and conclusion

The last manager was Ugryum-Burcheev. Dumb-headed type, martinet. The author calls him "the purest type of idiot." He believed to destroy the city and recreate a new one - Nepreklonsk, making it a military fortification.

supporting documents

Notes created by foremen as a warning to followers and successors are given.

Analysis of the work

The work cannot be classified as small literary forms: story or fairy tale. In terms of content, composition and depth of meanings, it is much wider.

On the one hand, the syllable, style of writing resemble real summaries. On the other hand, the content, description of the characters, events, brought to the point of absurdity.

The retelling of the history of the city covers about a hundred years. Four local archivists took part in writing the chronicle in turn. The plot even covers the history of the nation. locals descended from ancient tribe"headheads". But then they were renamed by neighbors for savagery and ignorance.


The history of the state is reflected from the time of Rurik's calling to the principality and feudal fragmentation. The appearance of two False Dmitrys, the reign of Ivan the Terrible and the turmoil after his death are highlighted. He appears in the form of Brody. Dvokurov, who becomes an activist and innovator, establishing brewing and mead production, symbolizes Peter I with his reforms.

Foolovists unconsciously worship autocrats, tyrants, carrying out the most absurd orders. Residents are the image of the Russian people.

The satirical chronicle could be applied to any city. The fate of Russia is ironically conveyed in the work. The story does not lose its relevance to this day. A film was made based on the work.

Let's make an analysis of the novel "The History of a City", which was written by Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin. We note right away that the name of the city in which the events of the novel take place reveals a lot about what is happening there. The city is called Foolov. Its founders were people who are definitely not smart. After defeating the neighboring tribes, they decided to live happily, for which they did something, but there was no sense, so they began to look for someone who would rule wisely and put things in order. Finding such a ruler was no easy task. Finally, it seemed tempting to one prince to take up management for money, however, this brought nothing but ruin.

Foolov city rulers

In addition to the analysis of the "History of a City" we suggest you also read the summary of this novel. What else interesting can be noticed, speaking about the government in this city?

Each ruler of the city of Foolov had his own oddity. One was not ashamed to plunder and steal, moreover, without even hiding from others. Another hated science, so he set fire to the gymnasium and simply forbade doing science. The third ruler had such an oddity - there was a musical organ in his head, and he could remove this very empty head.

Let us pay attention to the rest: the fourth was distinguished by love and abundance, and his mode of action led either to a fire or to riots. And the fifth was literally obsessed with planting mustard. There was another who was obsessed with directness in the streets and dreamed of changing the course of the rivers.

Be sure to emphasize the idea, without which the analysis of the novel "The History of a City" would be incomplete, that each mayor had interesting feature in character or in ideas of how best to rule, but all this turned out to be based on stupidity. The analogy does not escape close attention - the governors of Foolov are very similar to real political figures who seized upon a high position in the Russian government when they raged palace coups. The author's indication of Biron, who received the place of favorite under the Empress Anna Ioannovna, is very clearly traced.

Residents in the analysis "History of one city"

About the inhabitants of the city of Foolov, one can respond no less critically than about its governors. They are just as stupid and one-sided. They like to rebel, and it doesn’t matter if there is a reason for rebellion or not. Residents strive for war, they strive to prove something, to achieve something, for example, education and order. Again, everything turns out the other way around for them, because stupid ideas and arguing about obvious things lead to nothing but contention. For example, questions about whether it is advisable to grow Persian chamomile, or whether to abandon the stone foundations of houses, as well as disagreements over such conversations, reveal the stupidity of the inhabitants of a city with such an apt name.

Separately, it should be noted that as soon as the townspeople have a reason to celebrate the change of the next ruler, they use it, and do it to the full extent of their souls, which finally confirms their stupidity and illegibility. They hug, kiss each other, express congratulations and sincerely believe in the new government, that it will become better.


However, here Saltykov-Shchedrin points to the most important thought that we should not miss when analyzing the novel: what kind of people and their condition, such will be the power over this people. In fact, we are talking about the fact that by choosing power, people themselves are responsible for this choice. Real life and the history of Russia, in fact, confirms the above.

So, we made an analysis of the novel "The History of a City" by Saltykov-Shchedrin, which is a satirical parody of the change of power, especially in Russia. We see what becomes the result of lawlessness, permissiveness and impunity in the state system. In bright colors, the author stupid people among the people, bureaucratic stupidity and greed.

Saltykov-Shchedrin is a Russian writer who has written many interesting works. One of his famous works is the History of a city. According to it, we will make works today.

Saltykov-Shchedrin calls his work History of a City the chronicle of the small town of Foolov, which he found and decided to reproduce in his work. Thus, the author wants to create the illusion of authenticity by stylizing the work as a historical chronicle, which considers the period from 1731 to 1825.

In the essay based on the work of Saltykov-Shchedrin, I would like to note not just the history of some city invented by the writer called Foolov. The writer, describing the history of Glupov, his mayors and residents of the Foolovites allegorically describes part of the history of Russia. An attentive reader will certainly draw a parallel and see in the creation and formation of the city of Foolov, in the change of its mayors, the history of the formation of Rus' with its rulers.

Immediately we see how the inhabitants of the bunglers, who are tired of the constant hostility, decided to find a powerful person. He had to put everything in order. So the stupid prince was found, who creates the new city of Foolov. Describing the situations that arise in the city during the reign of the prince, who sends governors to rule instead of himself, the writer shows the period of feudal fragmentation.

After the death of Brudasty, anarchy reigned, then simple city governors, of which there were about six people, are trying to manage the city. And here we see a parallel depicting the era of palace coups.

After the city comes to rule Dvoekurov, who took up brewing, mead production, began to cultivate the land, in a word, to carry out reforms.

After the death of Doyekurov, Ferdyshchenko comes, who at first seems to have begun to pursue the right policy, the city began to flourish, and then crazy reforms, passion for women began to lead to famine reigning in the city.

With each subsequent mayor, the situation only worsened. These were both Borodavkin, who was fighting for enlightenment, and Vogue, under which the population runs wild, and the city is ruined. These were Bonevlevsky, who, having no right to do so, loved to create laws, Pimple is a lover of balls and fun. The mistakes of the authorities lead to terrible consequences, which are described by Saltykov-Shchedrin in a work for the 8th grade called The History of a City.

At the end of the list of mayors is Grim Burcheev with a wooden face, an idiot who destroyed the city, creating a new one. The people did not like the ruler and they were preparing a riot, only the tornado decided everything for them. He erased from the face of the earth any reminder of the once-existing city of Foolov. The mayor himself also disappeared without a trace.

Reading the work, many will call it a fairy tale, but in terms of genre, the history of the city is much more complicated. This is a satirical novel where the author uses different tricks, including the grotesque, irony, humor, and satirical fiction.

History of creation

If we talk about the history of the creation of the work of Saltykov-Shchedrin, then the idea was formed and arose gradually. So first, in 1867, a story about a governor with a stuffed head came out. He would later become part of famous work which we are writing about.

The writer begins work on the novel in 1868 and writes it until 1869. And only in 1870 the work saw the light. However, improvements continued over it and adjustments were made. There was a first, second, and after the third edition, which comes out in 1883. It is the latest edition that has come down to us, and it is it that we study in class, getting to know the writer and his work.



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