Essay and shishkina rye. Essay: description of the painting I

The great artist Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin entered the history of Russian painting as the creator of the “mood landscape”. He very skillfully conveyed the state of nature and the surrounding world through his canvases. The main character in the paintings of the master brush I. I. Shishkin are landscapes depicting forests, mainly pine. Nature is glorified in his paintings native land, the wealth and wealth of the people living on it. The landscape painting “Rye”, created by the singer of Russian nature in 1878, is imbued with a sense of peace and is executed in a bright painting style.

In the main plan of the picture, a golden field with ripe rye opens. The plump ears of corn, ready for harvest, sway in the gentle breeze. And in some places, especially along the side of the road, many golden ears of corn bent to the ground under their weight. The slight swaying of the ears conveys the aroma of a ripe harvest. There, in the depths of the field, you can see blue dots of cornflowers, which unusually decorate the entire landscape. In the foreground of the picture, a winding field road originates. It is not traveled very often; most of it is overgrown with field grass and decorated with white daisies. She, wriggling, goes into the distance deep into the field.

In a rich rye field, along a winding road, there are mighty sentinel pines. The shaggy branch of an old pine tree on the right hangs very low over the rye. On the one hand, it is completely without branches, apparently for many years it was influenced by the cold north wind. And the trees on the left fully convey the variety of their clothes: from the most magnificent form, completely dressed in branches, to a completely bare pine, of which only the trunk remains. In the sky, over the pines-heroes they dance their beautiful dance, field birds enjoying a wonderful warm day. Above them, light air clouds glide across the sky. And there, in the depths of the picture, in its farthest plan, clouds can be seen, perhaps a thunderstorm is brewing and warm summer rain will soon fall.

The picture is filled with a high feeling of love for the native land and its nature. She conveys this feeling to the viewer and gives pleasure to the beautiful creation of the great master of the brush.

Description of the painting Rye

When we begin to paint the artist, we are mentally transported far beyond the city limits, finding ourselves in a field where rye grows. You look at the canvas and feel a light summer breeze touching your face and blowing your hair. You can hear the ears of ripe rye rustling slightly. Some of them bent to the ground under their own weight, while others stand and sway from the wind.

The field is cut through by a road. It wiggles from side to side, and along it there are lonely tall pines, which stand out as green spots among the yellowness of the field. You look at these giants, and it seems as if they are guards guarding the peace of a quiet field. The road itself was overgrown with green grass. Most likely, people rarely pass through here and this adds a certain pristine quality to the landscape.

Sky is blue. The sun seems to be high as it illuminates the surroundings very brightly, but it may soon be obscured by clouds. Perhaps rain is approaching, or perhaps the wind will disperse the clouds. Be that as it may, right now is the moment when everything around is wonderful. Birds sing among the enveloping silence, and your soul is warm and calm.

My impressions

What impression do I have of the painting Rye? In short, we can say that it is the best. The love of the author of the landscape for his native land can be clearly read here. Here you can immediately see the artist’s reverent attitude towards surrounding nature. I can spend hours enjoying the golden field of rye, the bottomless blue of the sky, the tall pine trees, and the winding road. And this landscape doesn’t get boring, but on the contrary, it transports you into summer and it’s a wonderful feeling.

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Painting by I. Shishkin"Rye": my impressions

MeAlways I was surprised by the unique skill of the artists, who miraculously manage to convey not only various phenomena, but also the atmosphere that surrounds them. And most of all, in my opinion, this applies to the depiction of nature. One of these magnificent landscapes is now before us - this is the painting “Rye” by the great Russian artist Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin.

AND.AND.Shishkin- one of the outstanding masters landscape painting. Ardently loving his native nature, he devoted most of his paintings to this topic. In them, the artist sought to convey the endless diversity of the plant world as objectively, accurately and completely as possible.

He created beautiful, spiritual images of Russian nature, trying with everyone possible ways reveal originality and greatness native land, convey the unique beauty of its forests and fields. On his canvases we can meet the endless expanses of the Russian land with its forests, fields and lakes (“Forest Distances”); a small corner of the morning forest (“Morning in pine forest"). We see a lonely northern pine (“In the wild north...”), a quiet river after the rain (“On the river after the rain”), a forest apiary (“Apiary”) and many other beautiful sketches of Russian nature.

Butthe mostbig I am invariably impressed by his painting “Rye”.

The painting depicts one of the days of early autumn or late summer. Clouds are barely beginning to gather over the endless expanses of the Russian field, creating an elusive feeling of approaching rain. And all of nature is in an anxious, but at the same time, kind of joyful presentiment. Rare tall beautiful pine trees in the distance are favorite images of Shishkin’s paintings. They already see gray clouds over the horizon, but they are not at all afraid of bad weather. The life-giving moisture of the rain will only fill their fluffy evergreen crowns with juice. And the lonely dried up tree between them, perhaps, hopes to awaken to life again. No, a miracle, of course, will not happen, but its dry branches will be the first to meet the approaching raindrops.

Freshnessautumn air feels the rye in the field. It’s like a magical yellow sea rolling its soft waves - it’s the thick ears that are swaying and agitating the ever-increasing wind. And there is no end to these wonderful spaces! It will rain, but it will not bend or damage the strong stems. The golden rye will only grow more magnificently, absorbing precious moisture.

A path runs into the distance dividing this wide field. And looking at the artist’s painting, I feel like a random traveler, finding myself in the middle of these endless expanses, surrounded by thick golden ears, breathing deeply Fresh air. I want to see and feel all the beauty of untouched, pure Russian nature.

AND.AND.Shishkin created beautiful paintings native nature, glorifying her strength, revealing to us her beauty and uniqueness. He perfected the light and shadow design of his paintings, achieving pictorial and tonal unity. What a variety and richness of colors his works display, emphasizing and enhancing the feeling of the richness and changing state of nature! How expressively and poetically the artist reveals the features of the Russian landscape!

Shishkin painted nature, reflecting all its splendor and diversity. It seems to me that he wanted to penetrate into the souls of people, to awaken in them the best human feelings, to arouse pride in the knowledge that all this beauty is the greatest wealth of our homeland, and we must at all costs keep it that way for many years.

Shishkin painting rye landscape

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The famous Russian painter Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin is an unsurpassed master of Russian landscape. Shishkin can be called a poet of nature in painting, which for him is the image of Russia.

The painting “Rye” was painted in 1878, at the height of the artist’s creativity. Shishkin was a master of the midday landscape, which is considered the highest skill among painters. And the painting “Rye” depicts a midday landscape. In the picture there is a hot summer day, the ears of rye are bent to the ground from the weight, powerful century-old pines stand among the grain field. It seems that these mighty pines stand guard over the rye field. The rye is already ripe, and it yellow further emphasizes the feeling of summer heat, and it seems that the air is simply ringing.

In the foreground of the picture there is a road covered with grass. In its bright and lush greenery, simple meadow flowers are visible. Swallows fly low over the road, they predict the approach of rain. Further, the road is lost in the ears of rye, the field goes into the distance, creating a feeling of infinity, this can even be seen from the small pine trees in the depths of the field. It spreads out so widely that the pines appear smaller than the ears of corn in the foreground.

Majestic pine trees are depicted against the blue sky. The trees seemed to spread their branches over the field, and also froze in anticipation of the rain.

When you look at the picture, you feel proud of your country. It seems that great artist depicted Russia on this canvas. An immense field of rye speaks of its great expanses, fat ears of corn personify the wealth and generosity of the country, and giant trees speak of its strength and power. The road stretching into the distance symbolizes the further development of the country. The whole picture amazes with its power and majesty, evokes a feeling of peace and tranquility. Small clouds gathering in the sky in the depths of the picture will soon rain, and everything will be cleared and breathed with purity and freshness.

The magnificent landscape of I. I. Shishkin is considered the best and famous image Russia.

Option 2

This picture fills with light. Often summer is not very sunny and hot, you want the sun... That’s why I’m especially glad that I learned about such a sunny, warm picture as “Rye.”

It depicts a rye field with golden (fully ripe ears). There is a winding road across the field; green, lush grass grows near this path. It is clear that this road is not abandoned, but carts and people often walk along it. Yes, the marks here are clearly not from car wheels. And the picture was painted a long, long time ago.

Above the field there is a blue sky with clouds. It may rain... And there are also pine trees. One died, possibly in a previous thunderstorm. Pines, we were told, grow on sandy soils, that is, this is clearly not black soil. (And we see sand on the road!) But despite this, the rye has grown remarkably. Such bright summer colors, and although there are almost no flowers (only small daisies in the foreground), there is a feeling of holiday from the picture. The road seems to invite you to walk along it to a green meadow. I think there is a body of water in the distance.

In winter or just in bad weather, it’s nice to look at such a picture. It also gives a feeling of abundance, since the harvest is rich. Now the peasants will collect it and bake lots and lots of delicious bread. They will sell the excess grain and become rich...

The picture brings up good thoughts. I showed it to my family and everyone liked it. The author of the picture (Ivan Shishkin) has a lot more beautiful scenery. But I liked this one more than the others. I'll be happy to see it in the museum.

Essay based on the painting Rye by Shishkin

In the foreground of the picture is a sunny golden rye, neatly divided into two parts by a thin path. The rye shines in the light, shimmering in a bizarre way against the background of distant trees and flying birds, a similar contrast of green, blue and blue color creates a hedonistic and festive picture that will be admired by every aesthetic sybarite, and even just a person who passionately loves nature with its sunny and magical mood.

You can gaze and stare at such beauty for a long time, reveling in your thoughts and memories of the past and the present, of the future happiness for us. Long trees proudly bent over the golden rye and seemed to be watching a solar illustration, burning with bright colors under the glare of the sun and the singing of birds in the daytime. rural landscape. The periphery always leaves the impression of endless, ever-ripe joy with all its blissful virtues: purity of thoughts, clarity of mind, prudent attitude and relaxation, anticipation of Dautham's nirvana, when thoughts leave a person forever, carrying him into the distance along with the wind and tree branches fallen into the rye.

In the grass, not far from the rye, there are white flowers, softly scattered along the path, creating a picture of unshakable tenderness for a passing wanderer looking for peace and solitude. When you look at such a wonderful play of colors and colors, you create the most pleasant feeling of your involvement in the universal plan, as if the goblin himself painted this picture, in the process of his immense imagination, because this picture captures the mind of everyone who just looks at it, because it amazes the viewer with its immense brightness, tenderness and light that flickers from every corner and gives this space a special, sacred and magical appearance.

In the distance, stately and shaggy trees also flaunt, now bending from the wind and birdsong, as if listening to them, then straightening up again, as if exhaling warm spring air and tasting all the beauty with us, experiencing indescribable sensations, and in sync with everyone looking at these wonders of nature are touched, smiling tenderly and carefree. In the distance you can also see a bare tree, orphaned with leaves, which has clearly lost its green-ringing offspring and has become despondent, but the gentle whitish clouds seem to warm it with their thick embrace, like a caring mother warms and touches her sad child.

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